Wednesday, November 20, 2013

New idea!

Alright. I decided to do a video like the one I'm posting below. The audio will be the same. The day is about what is rather be doing with my day then what I actually do.


  1. This will be really cool when done and from what you told me last night I can't wait to see it. :D

  2. Looks like a good idea. Can't wait to see how you relate what you would rather be doing in your days to what you actually do. doing a split screen for some parts would be kinda interesting....maybe, I don't know

  3. Looks cool. Are you leaving motion graphics out of it?

  4. This will be cool I know you can pull it off. Maybe work in some graphics rather than pure video. Looks like you have some work ahead of you..

  5. neat idea but slightly depressing. There are many moments in my day where I'd rather be somewhere else. I comfort myself with the thought that where I am now is enabling me to get to where I want to be. I would incorporate a similar feeling of hopef otherwise it may just read as a demonstration in futility.

  6. Like the concept, I still think there should be lightsabers.

  7. Strong video footage and great commentary. Motion graphics should be included.
